Applecross Placenames Project


This database contains all the place names so far mapped for the Applecross peninsula. Please note that some names refer to off-shore features such as reefs, or even to metaphysical features such as fishing marks. Some names currently appear only in the database: this is because they have not had a location fixed. In other words, we know of, or have sources for, these names – we just don’t know exactly where they were.

Search the database by name, keyword or by A-V.
By clicking on a name in the database, you will get the Gaelic orthography, English translation, geographical or informational notes, co-ordinates and so on. The link will take you to the Google map so you can see the name in its location.

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Total Records Found: 1038, showing 10 per page
Name in Original SourceGaelic nameEnglish meaning
Loch an Àirigh Loch an Àirigh Loch of the shieling
Loch an Eilein Loch an Eilein Loch of the island
Loch an Fheòir (1) Loch an Fheòir (1) Loch of the grass
Loch an Fheòir (2) Loch an Fheòir (2) Loch of the grass
Loch an Fheòir (3) Loch an Fheòir (3) Loch of the grass
Loch an Fhìdhleir Loch an Fhìdhleir Loch of the fiddler
Loch an Fhìdhleir Beag Loch an Fhìdhleir Bhig Loch of the little fiddler
Loch an Ràin Loch an Ràin Loch of the cry/roar
Loch Bad an Fhèidh Loch Bad an Fhèidh Loch of the clump of the deer
Loch Beag Loch Beag Little loch