Gaelic name: Meall an Fhireachain
Name in Original Source: Meall an Fhireachain
English meaning: Lump of the shepherding?
Placename feature: Hill
Notes: This hill is a formidable presence, looming over the northern end of Srath Maol Chaluim as the path through the glen begins to wind steeply up from the floor of the glen.<br /><br /><br /><br />The Ordnance Survey name book of the 1870s defines this name as meaning: The steep of the perpendicular hill
W. J. Watson's notes: 213: Meall Aoghaireachaidh. O.S.M., Meall an fhireachan - Hill of shepherding. It is N.E. Of Beinn a' Chlachain, and marks the spot where the green plain of Srath Maol-chaluim changes into the bleak uplands of Applecross. Near it is Meall nan doireachan, hill of the copses.
Map name appears in: Sheet 1880 CII
Feature Co-ordinates: 57.484333,-5.752745
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